Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Diet of baby - Basis for his Well Being

Diet of baby Basis for his Well Being

Breastfeeding provides exactly what a baby needs :

During the first year of life babies should be breastfed exclusively of at least until the beginning of the fifth month of life. Even after the introduction of complementary feeding, you should breast-feed your baby on as long as you and your baby wish. Because breastfeeding is the ideal way to give your baby exactly what it can thrive: Breast milk is tailored to the needs of an infant, and if your baby sucks on your breast, it feels safety, security and protection.

Feel Physical closeness :

Diet of baby Basis for his Well Being

In the first months of life undergoes an infant, warmth, and care mainly through a close physical contact. If your baby is cradled or cuddled in her arms, and especially during breastfeeding it feels close your warmth and closeness.
Diet of baby Basis for his Well Being,
 Breastfeeding and feeding are also always moments of well being for the baby. Due to the special care and attention it feels safe and secure.

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